Application Brief:
Measuring Tertiary-Butyl Catechol (TBC)

measuring TBC

Butadiene is the basic feedstock material used to produce certain grades of synthetic rubber such as Styrene, Butadiene, and Buna N. Once produced by a chemical plant, Butadiene is liquified and shipped to rubber manufacturers. In order to ship and/or store liquid Butadiene, an inhibitor must be added to avoid polymerization. Tertiary-Butyl Catechol (TBC) is the industry-wide recognized standard inhibitor for the storage and transportation of Butadiene.

The typical concentration of TBC required to mitigate polymerization of Butadiene is between 50 and 150ppm. This concentration needs to be monitored by the producer to ensure the quality of the Butadiene meets product specifications. In addition, this concentration also needs to be monitored by the user, since the TBC is slowly consumed over time as a result of the inhibition reaction.

The OMA-300 process analyzer provides a continuous measurement based on an ultraviolet spectroscopy technique, as a proven alternative to the colorimetric titration method outlined in ASTM D1157-91.

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