As sweet crude production continues to remain flat, refiners will need to process increasingly sour feedstock to meet global energy demand. Is your plant’s operation up to the task? Simply using a tail gas treatment unit to make-up for the inefficiencies upstream in the Claus process may not be a viable alternative. In fact, the cost of constructing and operating a tail gas treatment unit can be as much as an entire sulfur recovery plant. Put simply, a refiner will need every tool in their arsenal to ensure that their plant operates at peak performance.
A tail gas and air demand analyzer is one such tool in an operator’s tool-belt for improving sulfur recovery, lowering cost, and maintaining compliance. This is crucial as sulfur recovery plants face a range of operating conditions that they need to be able to handle. For example, unreacted hydrocarbons that enter the Claus furnace will compete with H2S for oxygen and lower the overall sulfur recovery. In another example, non-reactive elements like H2O, CO2, and N2 can lower the furnace’s flame temperature. This can lead to low recovery, and potentially lead to plugged catalyst beds and heat exchangers. Having an agile tail gas analyzer that can operate effectively under these conditions while providing real-time information can be the difference between keeping the plant online or not.
If you can’t remember when your analyzer was purchased or last serviced, now might be the time to consider replacing your analyzer with one that is more resilient and more capable of handling process upsets. Some features to be on the lookout for include:
Applied Analytics TLG-837 Tail Gas and Air Demand analyzer is an excellent option that includes all these features. You can click on the video to learn more.