Online Benzene Analyzer for Natural Gas Peak Shaving Facilities

Benzene Analyzer for Natural Gas Peak Shaving

Peak shaving and small scale LNG plants can experience down time if the incoming natural gas has too much benzene. The benzene content can be particularly concerning if the plant switches natural gas suppliers. Different supplier's natural gas may have higher aromatics which can freeze in the liquefaction process and damage equipment.

To prevent this potential disaster, an online process analyzer can be used to validate the benzene level in the pre-liquefied natural gas. The OMA-300 process analyzer has been installed in peak shaving facilities since 2010 with great success.

The OMA system continuously monitors benzene concentration in the natural gas after the benzene removal stage. This provides constant verification that the cleaning process is functioning properly and that there will be no freezing issues in the liquefaction stage. When benzene levels above threshold are detected, the stream can automatically be diverted from the liquefaction process.

Read more about the peak shaving application.