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Natural Gas Plant - Analyzers

natural gas industry diagram


From wellhead to main, Applied Analytics provides trusted solutions for monitoring natural gas composition. Flagship products include multi-component odorant monitoring, hydrogen sulfide measurement, carbon dioxide measurement, BTEX analysis, and saybolt readings.

Well Head Gas

Well Head Gas

Wellhead gas is raw natural gas that has not been processed at all. While a majority of the stream composition is still methane, the hydrocarbon cut is much heavier than the natural gas used by consumers downstream. In addition, the wellhead gas can contain water, sulfur, and condensate.

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Sweet Gas

Sweet Gas

Sweet gas is a term used to describe natural gas after the sulfur components have been removed from the stream composition. This is in contrast to the term sour gas, which contains sulfur.

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Sales Gas

Sales Gas

Sales Gas is high quality natural gas that ultimately is distributed and sold to the consumer. At this point the gas will have been dried and any mercury and nitrogen present will have been removed. In addition, heavier hydrocarbons will have been separated and sent to NGL recovery for additional processing.

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Natural Gas Liquids

natural gas liquids

NGL is an industry acronym that stands for Natural Gas Liquids. These fluids are comprised of the heavier hydrocarbons that were separated from the natural gas upstream. They typically consist of ethane, propane, Butane, Pentane and C6+. NGLs can be used as a fuel source or as a feed for petrochemical plants.

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